This was a post from Nathaniel Garrett a supporter of BOCODA and its mission:
Mr. Ben Azah started the Bonazah Community Development of Africa. (BOCODA) foundation earlier this year. BOCODA provides provide support, educate, and advise in order to ensure fair and equitable educational opportunities for children and reduce illiteracy rate and promote advancement; while enhancing partnership with the local communities to provide for all under privilege children resources that enable them to have basic equal educational opportunity for primary and secondary education. I strongly support this program and I have made a decision to Pledge $100 to this foundation. I would like at least 100 of the people I know to make the same pledge that I have. You do not have to pay the whole $100 dollars at once you can make a monthly donation, a lump sum donation, or make payments whenever it is good for you. If you cannot make a $100 pledge than pledge what you can all donations are welcome. I would like to have all this done by January 2014 but if it takes one longer that is not a problem. You can find more information about this foundation @ or you can search for "Bonazah Community or Bonazah Community Development of Africa"
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AuthorBonazah Community Development of Africa (BOCODA INC) provides support, educate, and advise in order to ensure fair and equitable Archives
August 2019
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