The founder Benjamen Azah for many years prior to founding of Bonazah Community Development of Africa (Bocoda Inc.). supported education services in Ngie Subdivision using his own funds working with Parents and Teachers Associations, Rural Councils to hire private teachers to Substitute in a primary schools in his own village Bonanyang-Etwii Ngie a clan of his birth where he growth up experiencing first-hand the needs for teachers in the classroom to be able to afford high quality education for children.
His effort and the growing gap between the number of teachers assigned to primary and secondary schools by the National government have recently grow more wider properly due to the current global economy situation or simply lack of funding by national governments to provide enough teachers and services to educate it most valuable assets “Human Capital” which would required at the very minimum to have one teacher per classroom, in rural area specifically in Ngie Subdivision the ratio of government funded teachers assigned to a classroom is 2:6 leaving most of the classrooms unattended as the few teachers move from classroom to classroom given this young children assignments to tackle with no full time adult supervision and to provides immediate assistance is totally unsatisfactory by any measureable standards.
Education is one of the most important factors of human capital development, whereas human capital has been identified as a key determinant of growth and poverty alleviation. Children everywhere desire the most basic human right despite their economy and social standard. Most people, including many world leaders, believe that education is a basic human right. A right is something that every person should have in their lives. The right to education is now part of international law. Yet many children in poorer, developing regions are prevented from going to school. In some areas of Africa and south Asia, as many as one in two children do not go to school and only half of those who do attend actually complete their education.
The problem for many children is poverty. Education costs money. Buildings, teachers, books and uniforms must be paid for and in many countries the government does not provide these resources. Poverty is the main reason why many children can’t go to school, but it is not the only reason, lack of school in the area, children left without parents and must stay at home to look after younger brother and sisters or act of illness or war can also make it difficult for children to go to school. The fact that poor households and economically challenged children are generally disadvantaged in gaining access to important services such as education, an important asset to mitigate poverty, suggests that organizations and people everywhere should seek to target the provision of these services to such groups, the is the driving factor in Bocoda under taken such bolt steps in it charity endeavor to provision education support to those who most need it. For instance, if our concern is with aggregate well-being as measured by, for example, more than 100 million children in the world do not go to school. This is nearly one in five of all children. In some countries, many more children only go to school for a short time. They leave before they have received a basic education; (Judith Anderson education for all).
Bocoda view the important capabilities of longevity and education as critical constituent elements in well-being. The child is entitled to receive education, which shall be free and compulsory, at least in the elementary (primary) stages on a basis of equal opportunity. This growing needs on national and regional level required more support and resources which can’t be sustain by an individual.
Bocoda is determined to tackle this daunting challenges facing developing nations in its region of operations. We Plan to assist local schools and by working with local communities, rural councils, parent’s teachers associations in collaboration with villages councils to hire qualified teachers to afford education services to the underserved children, primary teaching and providing education based on government and internationally established and approved curriculums. Teachers certification is an important part in the hiring process as the students depend to a greater extend on the skill of their teacher. Our activities will provide educational assistance; teacher salaries; health education, worked with orphanages to support the needy children the funding most needed in promoting their developmental objectives.
His effort and the growing gap between the number of teachers assigned to primary and secondary schools by the National government have recently grow more wider properly due to the current global economy situation or simply lack of funding by national governments to provide enough teachers and services to educate it most valuable assets “Human Capital” which would required at the very minimum to have one teacher per classroom, in rural area specifically in Ngie Subdivision the ratio of government funded teachers assigned to a classroom is 2:6 leaving most of the classrooms unattended as the few teachers move from classroom to classroom given this young children assignments to tackle with no full time adult supervision and to provides immediate assistance is totally unsatisfactory by any measureable standards.
Education is one of the most important factors of human capital development, whereas human capital has been identified as a key determinant of growth and poverty alleviation. Children everywhere desire the most basic human right despite their economy and social standard. Most people, including many world leaders, believe that education is a basic human right. A right is something that every person should have in their lives. The right to education is now part of international law. Yet many children in poorer, developing regions are prevented from going to school. In some areas of Africa and south Asia, as many as one in two children do not go to school and only half of those who do attend actually complete their education.
The problem for many children is poverty. Education costs money. Buildings, teachers, books and uniforms must be paid for and in many countries the government does not provide these resources. Poverty is the main reason why many children can’t go to school, but it is not the only reason, lack of school in the area, children left without parents and must stay at home to look after younger brother and sisters or act of illness or war can also make it difficult for children to go to school. The fact that poor households and economically challenged children are generally disadvantaged in gaining access to important services such as education, an important asset to mitigate poverty, suggests that organizations and people everywhere should seek to target the provision of these services to such groups, the is the driving factor in Bocoda under taken such bolt steps in it charity endeavor to provision education support to those who most need it. For instance, if our concern is with aggregate well-being as measured by, for example, more than 100 million children in the world do not go to school. This is nearly one in five of all children. In some countries, many more children only go to school for a short time. They leave before they have received a basic education; (Judith Anderson education for all).
Bocoda view the important capabilities of longevity and education as critical constituent elements in well-being. The child is entitled to receive education, which shall be free and compulsory, at least in the elementary (primary) stages on a basis of equal opportunity. This growing needs on national and regional level required more support and resources which can’t be sustain by an individual.
Bocoda is determined to tackle this daunting challenges facing developing nations in its region of operations. We Plan to assist local schools and by working with local communities, rural councils, parent’s teachers associations in collaboration with villages councils to hire qualified teachers to afford education services to the underserved children, primary teaching and providing education based on government and internationally established and approved curriculums. Teachers certification is an important part in the hiring process as the students depend to a greater extend on the skill of their teacher. Our activities will provide educational assistance; teacher salaries; health education, worked with orphanages to support the needy children the funding most needed in promoting their developmental objectives.