School Building Project
Join our 2023 funds raiser campaign to support us complete the renovation of four classrooms building in Bonanyang-Etwii, Ngie Local Government area. Please review the attached PowerPoint slides for detail on how to be involved.
Your gift can help provide quality education to those who currently lack access to education, thereby creating life-saving opportunities for disadvantaged children who might otherwise die without your support. We hope you will partner with us to provide hope, health, and a brighter future. Thank you for your time and contribution of any amount to enable us to reach our goal of $25,758.00.
Your gift can help provide quality education to those who currently lack access to education, thereby creating life-saving opportunities for disadvantaged children who might otherwise die without your support. We hope you will partner with us to provide hope, health, and a brighter future. Thank you for your time and contribution of any amount to enable us to reach our goal of $25,758.00.
Bonanyang School ProjectThe renovation program will revamp existing infrastructures and section new classrooms for the only village primary school that is in desperate need of urgent repairs.