Solar energy is one of the cleanest and the most efficient forms of energy, available on the face of the other. It is harvested and used to power houses, roads, factories, schools and even vehicles in many parts of the world. It has diverse applications along with being cost-effective and is thus perfect for electrifying the rural areas of Africa. Almost 600 million people in Africa face persistent energy access deficit. People in rural Africa are forced to go without power or alternatively use kerosene, which is an expensive and dangerous fuel that pollutes the air while creating fire hazards.
The use of solar energy in rural parts of Africa promises some really great benefits. Let’s have a look at them! 1. Limitless Use: Owing to its strategic position on the equator, solar energy is abundantly available in Africa. Unlike fossil fuels, it is not going to get depleted. The only challenge is to convert solar energy into electricity using cost-efficient methods and tools. Financial help and grants for solar energy programs in Africa can help the rural areas progress by pumping clean water, electrification of houses, schools, hospitals and much more. Electrification gives way to enhancing connectivity of these areas with the outside world, which further ensures their development. 2. Pure and Clean Energy: Solar energy doesn’t emit Carbon or any other harmful emissions. It is environment-friendly. By harvesting the sun’s power, Africa can make healthy progress, i.e. while retaining its environmental benefits. 3. Cost-Efficient: The most important benefit of using solar energy for advancement in rural areas of Africa is that it is quite cost-effective. The major cost involved is in setting up the solar panels, after which neither the operational cost nor the maintenance cost is high. The return on investment is also pretty good. A common notion is that when the weather is bad or during the night, solar energy powered set-ups become useless but it isn’t true. Efficient electricity storage units help in providing power even when there is no sunlight. People in Africa can get a clean, green and cheap form of electricity with solar energy. With this, children can get proper electricity to study, refrigerators can be powered to store food and medicines and they can connect with the outside world in a better manner. Therefore, it is important to provide grants for solar energy programs in Africa by people and organizations who are in a position to do so.
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Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of education exclusion in the entire world. More than 20 percent of children between the ages of 6 - 11 are out of school, followed by almost 34 percent of youth between the ages of about 12 and 14. Also, it has been found that almost 60 percent of youth between the ages of 15 and 17 are not in school. Without urgent and effective actions, these statistics will likely worsen because the region currently faces a soaring demand for education for its school-age population that is still growing. So, why does education, especially quality education, matter so much? 1. It helps promote equality Quality education is the key to getting jobs and making a better life for oneself. When people are able to get quality education, they are able to break free from the cycle of poverty. It therefore helps reduce social and economic inequalities. In a region such as Africa where more girls are denied various opportunities than boys, education can also help bridge all such gender inequalities by empowering the girls. 2. It gives people access to better health care One of the most effective ways to teach children as well as adults about their health and the various diseases that can afflict them is through quality education. It helps them protect themselves from these diseases by teaching them how to decipher the symptoms, effects and preventive measures. This is especially important since diseases like AIDS and malaria are some of the most common causes of death in Africa. 3. It helps in social development Education is not just a basic human right but also a smart investment. In developing and underdeveloped countries, education can be the key to improving the economic condition of the citizens and determining the prospects of the future generations. Education is the foundation for a human society to evolve and meet its goals in terms of social and economic development, peace, democracy and inclusive governance that focuses on the empowerment of the youth and women. Go through our website to learn about our African education assistance program designed to help less privileged students in Africa through counseling, tutoring, career panels, community service and much more. Holiday Greetings from Bonazah Community Development of Africa
We are always happy during this period of the year as we take the opportunity to say Thank You. We wish you and your family the very best this holiday season. Special thanks for your commitment, dedication and support over the past years. While we celebrate with family and friends, Please pause for a moment and pray for the people of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia who are being indiscriminately killed, houses burns down, thousands internally displaced and thousands more in refugees camps, pray for world peace and remember those who are proudly serving in trouble spots around the globe and in areas affected by disaster worldwide away from their loved ones. Thank you for your patronage and for allowing us to be of service to the underserved. Warm Wishes Bonazah Community Team. ![]() We say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018. There is always so much activity and personal business to attend to that it is easy to forget to thank our valued supporters, like you, for your support and donations. The holiday season offers us a special opportunity to extend our personal thanks to our donors, supporters, Volunteers, staff and our very best wishes for the future. We wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. You are the cornerstone of our successes. Thanks for the many lives that we have been able to impact together for the past 5 years. Our business is a source of pride to us, and with a team like you, we find going to work a rewarding experience. Thank you for your engagement and commitment to making a difference. I hope you will take an advantage of this giving season to support Bonazah Community Development of Africa by acting now. Please make a tax-deductible donation now or before December 31, 2017 in support of our programs. The time to act is now, click on the donate button on our Facebook page and make an impact by donating. Sincerely, Ben Azah Join our Annual Fundraiser Campaign by donating in support of our work. Help us reach our objective helping children, empower women and young girls and youth empowerment.
Bonazah’s activities are geared towards sustainable livelihood and poverty alleviation for underserved children, women empowerment, supporting military families, promoting education, youth initiatives, and economic growth. So, please make a tax-deductible donation of $50, $100, $250 other $___ to support our programs and services. All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Donation by check. Make check payable to: Bonazah Community Development of Africa Post Office Box 917 Fort Drum, New York, 13602. Now, Click Donate Button and Action. We thank you for your generous donation and support. A day before the Thanksgiving holiday, We at Bonazah Community Development of Africa want to thank you for your support. We are grateful for your dedication, commitment and contributions for the past 5 years.
You have enables us to empowered young girls and women, youth empowerment and provide support to underprivileged children. Thank You, for enabling us to progressively expand our programs and reach out to many in needs locally and internationally. While we celebrate this Thanksgiving with family and friends, remember to pause for a moment and pray for world peace and to salute the men and women who are proudly serving our country at home and abroad away from their families unable to spend this special day with loved ones. Tributes to you for all our achievements, together we will continue to fulfill many more dreams. Wishing you and your family happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Bonazah Community Development of Africa Team. Share with Family and Friends. Make a tax deductible Donation to help us reach our goal of $5000 Dollars. Any amount; $5, $10 or $$ is appreciated. Thank you for your generous gift.
Bonazah Community provides education support, and advice in order to ensure fair and equitable education opportunities and reduce illiteracy rate and promote advancement; while enhancing partnership with the local communities to provide for underprivileged and underserved children resources that enable them to have basic equal educational opportunity. Any amount of donation is appreciated. You may visit where you can find more information about our Programs and please click the "Donate" to make an online contribution in support of our goals. If you are making a donation by check, please make it payable to: “Bonazah Community Development of Africa” and mail it to: Post Office Box 917, Fort Drum, NY 13602. From Bonazah Community Development of Africa Team. ![]() Bonazah Community Development of Africa and Sunny Village Foundation joined forces at Microsoft’s Africa Day on 11 October, 2016, at Microsoft’s Commons Nonprofit Fair; Microsoft is a strong supporter of charities around the world – they encourage employees to donate freely throughout the year, and culminate the drive with an annual event in October of each year… this year’s theme was Africa Day, so it was a perfect setting for these two non-profit charities to join together in an effort to help those in African communities who are in need of our support. Travel to the Microsoft campus in Redmond was a miracle in itself… the week had been full of rain and sunless days, but on the 11th, everything turned out to be clear and wonderful. The Bonazah contingent made it into the Commons cafeteria first, and setup the desk where we would share our message with (literally) thousands of Microsoft employees as seen in above shot of our setup. ![]() Microsoft made it really easy to do the setup, too… connection drops for free Internet service right by each desk they had setup for the charities participating… an individual BARCODE right on the table, so employees could just scan the code into their phones and make their contribution right from the phone… we couldn’t have asked for anything better. As the lunch hour progressed, many folks began to stop by our booth, looking for information on how to contribute… here’s a group shot of the activity at the Bonazah/Sunny Village desk: Some contributions have already been received from this gathering… our thanks go out to all who contributed, and those who picked up our materials for a possible future contribution to Bonazah/Sunny Village efforts to aid those in need in Africa. We were proud to have been selected for this Microsoft event, and look forward to participating in many other events like it around the country. If you would like to contribute to our efforts, please visit the Bonazah homepage and click the DONATE button. New York, October 10, 2016 Bonazah Community Development of Africa (BOCODA) and Trustech Higher Institute of Technology (TRUSTECH) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to expand ongoing education and research in Cameroon; to enhance the understanding of economic development; foster women empowerment through business and education; development, implementation, and monitoring of microfinance schemes that will benefit the underserved; provide economic education to individuals with limited formal education; and other activities deemed mutually beneficial to all parties. This will enable Bonazah Community Development of Africa to identify and provide humanitarian assistance to it beneficiary in South West Region in an effective and efficiency way.
“We are thankful to our donors for their generosity, commitment and sponsorship that enable us to partner with TRUSTECH,” said Mr. Dick Metcalf, Communication and Technology Director, BOCODA. Teaming up with TRUSTECH to engage in a research driven project “Empowering Women to be self-sufficiency through Business and Education” is an exciting development for our organization. BOCODA partnership agreement with TRUSTECH exemplifies their dedication to nonprofit initiatives. The partnership reflects our desire to collaborate with institutions and organizations that share our vision of providing most needed services to the underserved sector of our population. For more information about Bonazah Community Development of Africa, visit its website at And For more information about Trustech Higher Institute of Technology, visit its website at For more information please contact: Bonazah Community Phone: (1-888) 998-6999 Email: [email protected] |
AuthorBonazah Community Development of Africa (BOCODA INC) provides support, educate, and advise in order to ensure fair and equitable Archives
August 2019
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