Microfinance Training for Women This in-progress-report is part of an agreement between Bonazah Community Development of Africa (BOCODA) and Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) whose signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote ongoing education and research in Cameroonian youth; to enhance the understanding of economic development; foster global citizenship through business and education; development, implementation, and monitoring of microfinance schemes that will benefit the underserved; provide economic education to individuals with limited formal education. Bonazah Community Development of Africa, a nonprofit organization provider of charitable giving and direct services in support of education and economic development, and the sponsor of the ongoing research, today announced the graduation of the first group of 15 women selected as participants in the research study. The participants were selected based on their family needs and potential to participate and graduate from the program, and be able to open and manage a small business that would enable them to sustain their family. All of the women are sole bread winner for their family. The families size range from 02 to 08 family members. In addition to sponsoring the training, BOCODA Board of Directors will be reviewing the recipients family needs in order to determine the amount of support to provide via grants and interest free loans to the participants. The organization will provide charitable support throughout the three years of this research study as opportunities and funding become available. We will love for the opportunities to provide some kind of financial assistance to each of the women involved. These charitable programs will enable the recipient to better support their children on a daily basis. We are appealing for support with a tax-deductible donation on our website to support this initiative. For just $20.00 donation, you can help a family improve it life options.
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AuthorBonazah Community Development of Africa (BOCODA INC) provides support, educate, and advise in order to ensure fair and equitable Archives
August 2019
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